The KISSS 10 Step Program for FSBO's

May 02, 2024

Are you ready to seize the reins of your real estate journey? It's time to tap into the goldmine of opportunity right at your fingertips. By targeting For Sale By Owner (FSBO) properties, you can unlock the door to profitable deals and propel your real estate endeavors to new heights.

Why FSBOs?

FSBO properties represent a treasure trove of untapped potential in the real estate market. These sellers have taken the bold step of selling their homes independently, creating a prime opportunity for you to step in and make your mark. By reaching out to FSBOs, you position yourself as a trusted advisor, ready to guide them through the selling process and secure a deal that works in their favor.

Your Action Plan on Outreach:
  1. Pick Up the Phone: Don't wait for opportunities to come to you – go out and create them! Start by picking up the phone and reaching out to FSBOs in your area. Introduce yourself as a knowledgeable real estate professional ready to assist them in achieving their goals.
  2. Offer Solutions: When speaking with FSBOs, highlight the benefits of working with you. Whether it's through our Executive Lease Purchase Program or our FSBO Flip Program, emphasize how your expertise and resources can help them maximize their property's potential and achieve their desired outcome.
  3. Take the First Step: Once you've made contact with FSBOs, take action to get them under contract. With our streamlined processes and low-cost listing options, you can get their property listed quickly and attract a wide range of potential buyers.

Ready to Get Started?

The time to act is now. Don't let valuable opportunities slip through your fingers. Take charge of your real estate destiny by targeting FSBO properties and unlocking their full potential. With our proven program and dedicated support, you have everything you need to succeed.

Keep It Super Simple and Streamlined (KISSS), Here is your 10 Step Program to Follow:

Step 1. Refresh yourself on the Scripting for both ELP and the pivot into FSBO Flip.
Step 2. Locate leads to call: Visit Zillow, Craigslist and FB Marketplace and locate FSBO's to dial
Step 3. Call them and bring value, always bring value, follow your scripts and make appointments 
Step 4. Get reacquainted with the docs and the in-house appointment process
Step 5. Get the deal
Step 6. Market the deal $99.00 to get MLS type exposure then follow the Criagslist and Facebook Plans to be supportive of your listing
Step 7. Buyer qualification - Revisit your script 
Step 8. Write an offer, revisit the training on how to do this and the process
Step 9. Coordinate closing this is a big step but we are here to assist you with everything
Step 10. Collet your funds and repeat that 10 Step Process !

Call me or Text me for help! 

Daniel Mazy

PINK Affiliate Partnership

Every Tool You'll Ever Need to Become A Successful Real Estate Investor, Paired With the Industry's Superior Monthly Support System.

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